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archive-title Archives:


Affiliate Accounts – OVERVIEW

Go To  ADMIN – SALES – ‘AFFILIATES’ Here you will find a list of all Affiliate Accounts and a summary of information.   (picture below)   Important:  Affiliates also have a matching Customer Account record (ADMIN – SALES – CUSTOMERS) containing their Name, Addresses, Phone, Email, Reward Point history, Purchase history, […]

Customer Accounts – OVERVIEW

Go To  ADMIN – SALES – ‘CUSTOMERS’ Here you will find a list of all Customer Accounts and a summary of information.      COLUMN DEFINITIONS: –  Customer ID:  This ID is unique to each account. –  Customer Group:  Otherwise known as the ‘Price Group’ that account is assigned to. […]

Troubleshooting Login Issues

Go to ADMIN – SYSTEM – ‘LOGIN ERROR LOG’ Here you will find a list of all ‘invalid’ login attempts.  People commonly mistype their Email or Password, this report show you exactly what they entered, when they attempted, and if they did a Password Reset.      

Customer Service | Categories | ONE

Category - Customer Service